
photo by Ryo Fujishima

ラヂオ Ensembles アイーダ




VLZ PRODUKTより1st album「IN A ROOM (Radio of the Day#1)」、

φononより2nd album「FROM ASIA (Radio of the Day#2)」3rd album「by chance ≒ by choice」をリリース。

使用ラジオ :

ナショナル クーガ RF-2200

ナショナル クーガ RF-1150

ナショナル クーガ No.7 (RF-877)


Radio ensembles Aiida

Radio Artist, Performing Installation Artist

Engaging in the creation of works and performances using radio, both domestically and internationally.

Her approach involves a fusion of performance and installation, crossing various boundaries present in our environment. She actively participates in activities across diverse fields such as experimental music, contemporary art, and theater.

Released the 1st album “IN A ROOM (Radio of the Day#1)” from VLZ PRODUKT, followed by the 2nd album “FROM ASIA (Radio of the Day#2)” and the 3rd album “by chance ≒ by choice” from φonon.

Radio receivers are:

National COUGAR RF-2200

National COUGAR RF-1150

National COUGAR No.7 (RF-877)