¥2000 +TAX [Released:2018.02.18] by φonon
1. Secret SW – Singapore
2. Market – Singapore
3. Restaurant – Singapore
4. Square – Singapore
5. Changi Airport – Singapore
6. Secret MW – Japan
7. Revolve! – Japan
8. Specter×Festival – Japan
9. Radio TUK-TUK – Thailand
10. Squall – Thailand
11. T-Rap announcer – Thailand
12. Radio Free Bangkok – Thailand
ライナーノーツ : 富田克也 (空族)
マスタリング : 中村としまる
ジャケットデザイン : 河村康輔
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佐藤薫(EP-4)監修による新レーベル「φonon (フォノン)」発動第一弾。
異色の女性ソロBCLパフォーマー、ラヂオ Ensembles アイーダの「Radio of the Day」 第2作は、エイジアン・ラヂオデリック!
Radio ensembles Aiidaは、異色の女性ソロBCLパフォーマー A.Mizuki によるソロ・サウンド・ユニット。
2017年11月ファーストアルバム「IN A ROOM (Radio Of The Day #1)」をVLZ PRODUKTから発表し、異例とも言える好セールスを記録。
この「From ASIA」は同じRadio Of The Dayシリーズの第2作となる。
( φonon ウェブサイトより引用 )
This is the second album of “Radio ensembles Aiida”.
The sound source is all natural acoustic sounds and provided by direct recording, neither multiplex-recording nor tone processing.
In the previous album, she cut out the soundscape of her room to express a delicate and bold mysterious space.
As you may imagine from the title, this work is done via field recordings that she had played the various radio equipments and recorded on the streets during her trip in Asia, that created a certain mysterious atmosphere with the additional sounds of the background noise.
In other words, this is the collection of works that the mystery has shifted from the standby opening to the unscrupulous active seeking the original opening.
People call the world where she meets radios as “Radiodelia”!
( quoted from φonon website )
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